
Quickflix Launches Free Windows 8 Trial, Amazing Time-Lapse Moon Video, Cancer: The Video Game

Brief news items of note for Lifehacker readers including: Quickflix launches Windows 8 app with free one month trial, get a free cake recipe ebook, what is That Dragon, Cancer and why does it make grown gamers cry?

    The movie/TV streaming service Quickflix has just launched a Windows 8 app in Australia, with a free one-month trial available to Windows 8 users. The service currently has a handful of free classic movies and HBO TV shows, with newer titles available on a pay-per-play basis. You can download the app here. [Via istartedsomething.com]
    Amazon is currently offering the ebook 30 Delicious Family Favorite Cake Recipes for free (get it here). The digital recipe book includes step-by-step instructions on how to bake everything from a Chocolate Eclair Refrigerator Cake to Mini Cheesecakes. Hnngh! [Via OzBargain]
    Most video games are about excitement and escapism, but occasionally a developer reaches for something more. That Dragon, Cancer is an adventure game about “hope in the face of death”. It follows the plight of a married couple and their four-year-old son who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Players relive memories and follow a path of hope and optimism in the face of inevitable death. Find out why it brought a Kotaku journalist to tears here.
    A keen-eyed photographer in the US has produced a 15-second time lapse video of the moon rising over Los Angeles. The moon’s ascension is quite mesmerising as it paints a glittering arc across the sky. Watch the video here.

